Wednesday, January 31, 2024

2023 in 50 Photos

Rather than a long write-up, I'm just going to do a look back at 2023 in photos, with only some short captions. For one, I think I've already written enough about most things this year, so why write about everything a second time? Plus, pictures give a certain spontaneity to the construction of the post, meaning I don't have to write a memoir to get through a year's worth of events.

I'm already starting to go on rambling longer than I intended, so this is it. Just pictures and short captions. Fifty of them. Well, one or two might've got lost while I was editing.

One of my favorite trails I've ever ridden: the Monarch Crest Trail near Salida, Colorado. This was from June 2023. It also makes a good blergh cover photo.

A dry creek bed in southwest Texas (just miles from the Mexican border) in Jan 2023 with Zach.

Central Pennsylvania in all its glory. On the left is overlooking Penn's Creek from Poe Paddy Drive in Bald Eagle State Forest. It's one of my all-time favorite paces anywhere I've been. There's just something about that view that gets me every time. On the right is overlooking the valley south of Rothrock, with the picture taken from Sassafrass Trail.

The one and only Tussey Ridge. No more words needed.

The calm before the storm. Stick, Rob, and me at the start before our (failed) CTC singlespeed attempt.

Getting Hawg Wild with Rob before PMBAR! And an outside dawg. PMBAR was one of my favorite experiences from the year. Friends, cool trails, beer, what more is there?

The PMBAR podium. We were out-navigated and out-ridden by Dicky and Watts, but we were the only two SS teams to get all 5 checkpoints (I think).

Mohican was another one of my favorite events of the year. From hanging out at camp with Simon (left), Anthony, Joe, Tanya, Thad, and others, to racing on rainy and wet trails for 9+ hours, it was a blast. I got 1st SS just ahead of Thad, and as you can see we were both quite muddy!

After Mohican, I drove to Cleveland to meet Ed to help provide support to Will during his Cleveland Marathon run. Will ended up winning!

On the left is a sweet badlands view on the Maah Daah Hey Trail in North Dakota, and on the right is Devil's Tower in Wyoming. Both from June 2023.

The Great Western Trail near Park City, Utah with SS legend Dahn Pahrs.

Hiking through the snow in June(!) with DAHN PAHRS on the Wasatch Crest Trail.

Ellicottville, NY trails with my family over 4th of July weekend.

Maryland trail riding with Ian. The view on the right is from a mountaintop near Mt. St. Mary's, the school where Ian goes and where I helped Ian run a bike camp for kids in July.

Zach, Simon, and I did a pre-ride before Wilderness 101 on Tussey Ridge, and we stopped here because a massive rattlesnake was in the trail. Eventually, we shooed the snake away and we continued on.

Wilderness 101! It sort of feels like my home race after going to Penn State, and I was happy to get the win even despite not feeling great.

On the left is my favorite view again of Penn's Creek, but this time in full summer foliage. On the right is a summer view of Tussey Ridge.

Great Sand Dunes National Park in Colorado with my family.

Some supreme high-alpine riding in Colorado.The Colorado Trail near Durango with Zach.

More sweet Colorado Trail with Zach.

Breck Epic pre-riding with Dan and Chris.

Breck Epic. The non-bike racing stuff.

And the bike-racing stuff.

A mix of drinking and bike racing?

Podium at Breck. After stage 2? 3? Idk.

The Onion. Always a blast with friends.

Shenandoah 100! A fantastic weekend in Virginia. Simon got up at 5am to make coffee and get Stick and I ready for our race. We both got on the podium, and Simon won his 100k race the day before.

Marji Gesick. Probably the most rewarding race of the year for me. Jim and I rode together until he flatted, and we both persevered solo to get the belt buckle (only 10 buckles given out this year).

Messing around at the AirBNB before Marji, and driving back home with Simon. It's the fun little things like this that make race weekends so fun for me.

The Marji buckle class of 2023.

Getting Hawg Wild with Zach (and Stick) before the Pisgah 111. That was a fun race in Pisgah.

I got back up to Rothrock in November with Stick, and we got to stay at a sweet cabin (thanks Erik and Bob!). Brad even stayed with us Saturday night and we got to hear him give a masterclass on a guitar.

Anders on Tussey Ridge (left) and Stick (right) going down Wildcat Trail.

Florida garvel and palm trees in December.

Zach crossing a swamp in Florida. He was none too pleased.

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